ノーウェア WEB会議などで使える「BAPE®オリジナル壁紙」をリリース
「A BATHING APE®」では、2020年4月23日(木)より、「BAPE®オリジナル壁紙」の無料提供サービスをスタートいたします。
“BAPE® ORIGINAL WALLPAPERS” will be available to download for free on Thursday, April 23rd, 2020.
As a preventative measure to minimize the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), many people are switching to work from home, and the number of users on video call services are increasing rapidly. A BATHING APE® is offering “BAPE® ORIGINAL WALLPAPERS” for those who are using such online services to work and join conference calls from home. On the video call screen, you can set an image to be the background of your screen. You can also simply use one of the images as a wallpaper for your computer screen.
第一弾として「BAPE®」を代表するカモフラージュ「ABC CAMO」など計5種類のオリジナル壁紙がラインアップ。
For the first launch, five original wallpapers such as the iconic “ABC CAMO” and other patterns will be available.
We will continue to add more images in the future, so keep an eye out!
Click here to download the wallpapers
To save the images on your computer, right-click the images or drag and drop them onto your desktop.
This service is intended for individual and personal use. Images cannot be used for advertising or commercial purposes of companies or products. You may not redistribute, share, or reproduce images acquired from this website.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BAPE.OFFICIAL
Twitter: @BAPEOFFICIALInstagram: @bape_japan
プレス関係者お問い合わせ先 / Press Inquiries
株式会社ノーウェア/ NOWHERE CO., LTD.
マーケティング部/ Marketing Department Tel: 03-5410-6310
株式会社 ノーウェア
ソース:プレスリリース[PR TIMES]